Meditation Studio
Meditation Studio Meditation Studio Meditation Studio Meditation Studio Meditation Studio Meditation Studio Meditation Studio Meditation Studio Meditation Studio Meditation Studio Meditation Studio Meditation Studio Meditation Studio Meditation Studio Meditation Studio Meditation Studio Meditation Studio Meditation Studio Meditation Studio Meditation Studio Meditation Studio Meditation Studio Meditation Studio Meditation Studio Meditation Studio Meditation Studio Meditation Studio

Med­i­ta­tion Studio is a pri­vate med­i­ta­tion space in the Hudson Valley ded­i­cated to the prac­tice of Man­dala Med­i­ta­tion.

Loca­tion: Hudson Valley
Area: 3,000 sf
Design Team: Jonathan Man, Andrew Feuer­stein, Bret Quagliara, Felipe Colin Jr.
Gen­eral Con­trac­tor: Javier Gomez
Struc­tural Engi­neer: Silman

Meditation Studio
House in a Meadow
House in a Meadow House in a Meadow House in a Meadow House in a Meadow House in a Meadow House in a Meadow House in a Meadow House in a Meadow House in a Meadow House in a Meadow House in a Meadow House in a Meadow House in a Meadow House in a Meadow House in a Meadow House in a Meadow House in a Meadow

House in a Meadow is located on a 30 acre parcel in the town of North East, New York. The home is sit­u­ated at the base of a gentle slop­ing hill to its east, while the west­ern expo­sure opens up to an expan­sive meadow and pool area. The space between the house and hill makes for an inti­mate garden and dining area that is shielded from pre­vail­ing winds and views by the hill­side.

Loca­tion: North East, NY
Area: 2,800 sf
Design Team: Andrew Feuer­stein, Bret Quagliara
Gen­eral Con­trac­tor: DV Hamann & Co
Struc­tural Engi­neer: Silman

House in a Meadow
W. 119th St.
W. 119th St. W. 119th St. W. 119th St. W. 119th St. W. 119th St. W. 119th St. W. 119th St. W. 119th St. W. 119th St. W. 119th St. W. 119th St. W. 119th St. W. 119th St. W. 119th St. W. 119th St. W. 119th St. W. 119th St. W. 119th St. W. 119th St. W. 119th St. W. 119th St. W. 119th St. W. 119th St. W. 119th St. W. 119th St. W. 119th St.

W. 119th St. is a ren­o­va­tion to an exist­ing 1896 row­house in Harlem’s Mount Morris Park His­toric Dis­trict.

Loca­tion: Harlem, NY
Area: 5,500 sf
Design Team: Jonathan Man, Andrew Feuer­stein, Bret Quagliara
Gen­eral Con­trac­tor: Euda Con­struc­tion LLC
Struc­tural Engi­neer: KCE Con­sult­ing Engi­neer­ing
Pho­tog­ra­phy: Anna Ritsch

W. 119th St.
Brilliant Veterinary Care
Brilliant Veterinary Care Brilliant Veterinary Care Brilliant Veterinary Care Brilliant Veterinary Care Brilliant Veterinary Care Brilliant Veterinary Care Brilliant Veterinary Care Brilliant Veterinary Care Brilliant Veterinary Care Brilliant Veterinary Care Brilliant Veterinary Care Brilliant Veterinary Care Brilliant Veterinary Care Brilliant Veterinary Care Brilliant Veterinary Care Brilliant Veterinary Care

Bril­liant Vet­eri­nary Care is a new vet­eri­nary hos­pi­tal located on the Upper West Side of Man­hat­tan in an exist­ing store­front com­mer­cial space.

Loca­tion: New York, NY
Area: 3,750 sf
Design Team: Jonathan Man, Bret Quagliara
Gen­eral Con­trac­tor: Euda
Struc­tural Engi­neer: Martos Engi­neer­ing
MEP Engi­neer: Maven2De­sign Engi­neer­ing
Pho­tog­ra­phy: Anna Ritsch

Brilliant Veterinary Care
Hass House
Hass House Hass House Hass House Hass House Hass House Hass House Hass House Hass House Hass House Hass House Hass House Hass House Hass House Hass House Hass House Hass House Hass House Hass House

Hass House is a play­ful recon­fig­u­ra­tion of the tra­di­tional Amer­i­can side-gabled house that over­looks 45 acres of farm­land in the Catskills.

Loca­tion: Liv­ingston Manor, NY
Area: 2,200 sf
Design Team: Andrew Feuer­stein, Bret Quagliara
Gen­eral Con­trac­tor: Justin McEl­roy
Struc­tural Engi­neer: KCE
Pho­tog­ra­phy: Anna Ritsch

Hass House
Mott St.
Mott St. Mott St. Mott St. Mott St. Mott St. Mott St. Mott St. Mott St. Mott St. Mott St. Mott St. Mott St. Mott St. Mott St.

Mott St. is a new con­struc­tion 7 story mixed use build­ing in Chi­na­town.

Loca­tion: New York, NY
Area: 10,100 sf
Design Team: Jonathan Man, Andrew Feuer­stein, Bret Quagliara
Gen­eral Con­trac­tor: JJ Uni­ver­sal Con­struc­tion
Struc­tural Engi­neer: Martos Engi­neer­ing
MEP Engi­neer: Mot­tola Rini

Mott St.
Garment District Apartment
Garment District Apartment Garment District Apartment Garment District Apartment Garment District Apartment Garment District Apartment Garment District Apartment Garment District Apartment Garment District Apartment Garment District Apartment Garment District Apartment Garment District Apartment

Gar­ment Dis­trict Apart­ment con­verts an exist­ing studio into a proper one bed­room with custom mill­work divid­ing the public & pri­vate func­tions of the apart­ment.

Loca­tion: New York, NY
Area: 700 sf
Design Team: Andrew Feuer­stein, Bret Quagliara
Gen­eral Con­trac­tor: BNY Con­struc­tion
Struc­tural Engi­neer: Martos Engi­neer­ing
Pho­tog­ra­phy: Anna Ritsch

Garment District Apartment
Tribeca Art Gallery
Tribeca Art Gallery Tribeca Art Gallery Tribeca Art Gallery Tribeca Art Gallery Tribeca Art Gallery Tribeca Art Gallery Tribeca Art Gallery Tribeca Art Gallery

Tribeca Art Gallery is located on the first floor of a his­toric cast iron build­ing in Tribeca. The inte­rior ren­o­va­tion exposes the old details of the exist­ing space, while cre­at­ing a white back­drop for art instal­la­tion. A col­lab­o­ra­tion with T.W.Ryan Archi­tec­ture.

Loca­tion: New York, NY
Area: 2,700 sf
Design Team: Thomas W. Ryan, Jonathan Man
Gen­eral Con­trac­tor: Euda
Pho­tog­ra­phy: Michel Arnaud

Tribeca Art Gallery
Combine Art House
Combine Art House Combine Art House Combine Art House Combine Art House Combine Art House Combine Art House Combine Art House Combine Art House Combine Art House Combine Art House Combine Art House Combine Art House

Com­bine Art House is a new project space in Brook­lyn. The design recon­fig­ures the exist­ing store­front space through the use of an updated mate­r­ial palette & the instal­la­tion of a large format piv­ot­ing wall allow­ing for var­i­ous types of spa­tial & cura­to­r­ial con­fig­u­ra­tions.

Loca­tion: Brook­lyn, NY
Area: 800 sf
Design Team: Andrew Feuer­stein, Bret Quagliara
Gen­eral Con­trac­tor: BNY Con­struc­tion
Pho­tog­ra­phy: Michael Vahren­wald

Combine Art House
3rd Space
3rd Space 3rd Space 3rd Space 3rd Space 3rd Space 3rd Space 3rd Space 3rd Space 3rd Space 3rd Space 3rd Space 3rd Space 3rd Space 3rd Space 3rd Space

3rd Space is a new cowork­ing & event space located in an early 19th Cen­tury fac­tory build­ing.

Loca­tion: Newark, NJ
Area: 12,000 sf
Design Team: Jonathan Man, Andrew Feuer­stein, Bret Quagliara
Gen­eral Con­trac­tor: J&L Com­pa­nies w/​Good Dog Rosie
Struc­tural Engi­neer: Silman
MEP Engi­neer: A&D Asso­ciates
Pho­tog­ra­phy: Daniel Terna

3rd Space
Cabin in the Woods
Cabin in the Woods Cabin in the Woods Cabin in the Woods Cabin in the Woods Cabin in the Woods Cabin in the Woods Cabin in the Woods Cabin in the Woods Cabin in the Woods Cabin in the Woods Cabin in the Woods

Cabin in the Woods is a modest week­end retreat sit­u­ated against a dra­matic rock out­crop­ping.

Loca­tion: North­east, NY
Area: 1,300 sf
Design Team: Andrew Feuer­stein, Bret Quagliara
Struc­tural Engi­neer: Martos Engi­neer­ing

Cabin in the Woods
17th St. Townhouse
17th St. Townhouse 17th St. Townhouse 17th St. Townhouse 17th St. Townhouse 17th St. Townhouse 17th St. Townhouse 17th St. Townhouse 17th St. Townhouse 17th St. Townhouse

17th St. Town­house is a ren­o­va­tion and addi­tion to an exist­ing Town­house in Brook­lyn.

Loca­tion: Brook­lyn, NY
Area: 2,600 sf
Design Team: Jonathan Man, Andrew Feuer­stein, Bret Quagliara
Gen­eral Con­trac­tor: Raga Con­struc­tion
Struc­tural Engi­neer: Martos Engi­neer­ing
MEP Engi­neer: Mot­tola Rini
Pho­tog­ra­phy: Group Projects

17th St. Townhouse
Beach Park House
Beach Park House Beach Park House Beach Park House Beach Park House Beach Park House Beach Park House Beach Park House Beach Park House Beach Park House Beach Park House

Beach Park House is an addi­tion and restora­tion of a clas­sic New Eng­land beach home.

Loca­tion: Clin­ton, CT
Area: 2,500 sf
Design Team: Andrew Feuer­stein, Bret Quagliara
Gen­eral Con­trac­tor: Meeker Build­ing
Struc­tural Engi­neer: GNCB Con­sult­ing Engi­neers
Pho­tog­ra­phy: Group Projects

Beach Park House